
Tasty Puff-Puff

What is Puff-Puff?

Puff-puff (also called Puf-puf) are small balls of dough fried in hot vegetable oil. They can be made from cassava, yam, cornmeal, acorn meal, semolina or even rice flour. Some will be flavored with groundnuts or dried shrimps. They are often served at parties and special occasions

They are also called “fufu balls” among English speaking Nigerians. They may be confused with Buchi, a Filipino desert which is almost the same thing, smaller and shaped like balls, but not quite as round as puff-puff which can be spherical or resemble flattened figs (however, both buchi and puff-puffs can be fried or baked).

What are the health benefits of puff-puff?

Contains certain dietary fiber that helps to prevent constipation. Helps strengthen teeth and gums. Reduces blood pressure. Boosts immunity system, thus reduces risk of cancers, colds, coughs etc… Helps prevent heart diseases because it also reduces cholesterol level. Boosts metabolism and thus reduces weight. Also, puff-puff is known to help reduce stress.

Puff Puff contains a lot of nourishment from the cassava flour which is rich in starch/carbohydrates .

Puff-puff is a good source of dietary fiber which helps to lower cholesterol levels, thus preventing heart diseases and other health problems associated with high cholesterol such as obesity.

Puff-puff is high in carbohydrates which our body uses for energy. Carbohydrates can also increase serotonin levels in the blood which improves mood and reduces stress.

Fun facts about puff-puff

– Puff-puff is one of Nigeria’s favorite snack foods, not only in Nigeria but also around Africa. People make it at home or sell it on street corners. You can go to any part of Nigeria or Africa and find people selling it.

– In the eastern part of Nigeria, puff-puff is called “Puf-puf” . And in the western part of Nigeria, it’s called “fofofo”. Puff -puff is also called “Bou bous” in certain parts of Benin Republic, having been introduced to them by Nigeria.

– In some Nigerian communities, puff-puff is a traditional delicacy prepared for special occasions such as weddings and Christmas. It’s also served at funerals, naming ceremonies and parties.

– Some Nigerians who’ve lived/studied in the UK or US for a long time may miss this food and when they return to Nigeria, their family will make it for them because puff-puff is a very traditional Nigerian snack.

Why is puff-puff one of Nigeria’s favorite snack foods?

Puff-puff is a great source of energy and it can be made with a variety of different ingredients. It contains starch which breaks down very fast in the body, thus providing an instant energy boost. This makes it perfect for anyone with a busy life style. Moreover, puff-puff requires very little preparation.

Where can I find puff-puff?

Puff-puff is found almost everywhere in Nigeria, especially around the street corners of bus terminals or motor parks. You may also find it at homes or parties that are being held. Puffs are sold to satisfy the urge for craving snacks between meals. Nigerians love puff-puff for its delicious taste, smell and crispy texture. Puff-puff snacks are also very common in other parts of Western Africa, especially Ghana, where they are known as “Fufu”. The same snack can also be found in certain parts of Latin America.

How do you make puff-puff?

You will need the following ingredients:

  1. Cooking oil – For frying the puff-puff.
  2. Bay leaf – optional
  3. Onion – Optional
  4. Salt and pepper – to taste
  5. Puff-puff flour – a locally produced flour that is used for making puff-puff OR Finely ground cassava mixed with water (this option gives a different, rougher taste and texture).
  6. The seeds/nuts of your choice –optional


  1. Mix together the flour and cassava in a large bowl with water.
  2. Leave it to set for 20mins – 1hr (until it has cooled down).
  3. Then add the oil and mix it with a wooden spoon (Tip: use caution when adding oil because if you put in too much, the dough will turn oily).
  4. Add the onions and/or bay leaves.
  5. Once soft or properly blended, remove from bowl and knead on floured surface using hands.
  6. When ready, roll into a ball shape and flatten with your palm.
  7. Cut into pieces or slices.
  8. Heat up oil in a pot then fry the puff-puff until golden brown.
  9. Serve with a drink of choice.


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